Command Line Interface

xi4n is the command-line interface to xi4n.

You invoke xi4n by specifying a command, like so:

xi4n COMMAND [ARGS...]

The rest of this document describes the available commands. If you ever need a quick list of what’s available, just type xi4n help.



xi4n init DIR [options]

Creates a basic xi4n configuration directory, including:

  1. Basic config.yaml.
  2. plugins directory where all your custom plugins will reside for that particular configuration.
  3. package.json which describes the dependencies necessary for your plugins.
  4. README.html which is basically useless.


xi4n start DIR [options]

Starts a xi4n configuration.


xi4n boilerplate [options] DIR

Creates a boilerplate plugin in DIR.


xi4n docs

Hosts documentation in a live web server, useful for offline viewing. Unavailable when using development versions of xi4n.


xi4n config [options] DIR

Starts a web-based configuration tool editor. Currently EXPERIMENTAL and INCOMPLETE.