
Without a connection xi4n does absolutely nothing.

A connection is defined as a source and/or destination for data to and from a LFS or the LFS World Relay. In practical terms this is often a dedicated server, client or the relay itself.

Each configuration can have multiple connections and multiple plugins.

For information on plugins see the Plugins page.

Types of connection

There are several types of connection that xi4n currently supports:

  • Insim: Supporting pure Insim connections over both TCP and UDP. It also supports outsim and outgauge packets when setup via insim.
  • Outsim: Supporting pure Outsim connections over UDP.
  • Outgauge: Supporting pure Outgauge connections over UDP.
  • LFS World Relay: Insim connections, via the LFS World Relay, when direct Insim is not permitted.

Configuring a connection

To create a connection just add an extra value in the connections section of your config.yaml file. For example the section below shows a single connection, talking insim, extracted from part of a working config.yaml.


See config.yaml for a full commented reference.

    # The first connection begins here.
    # Note that it's talking "insim"
    - talk: insim
      # Next are the insim options
        # Each connection type has different options.
        # Here we tell it we want to use tcp
        over: tcp
        # The host is 'localhost'
        host: localhost
        # And the port is 29999.
        port: 29999
        # With an admin password of 'pies'
        admin: pies
      # Next we tell the connection that we want to use the plugins with the
      # aliases of 'state' and 'livemap'
        - state
        - livemap
      # Next, we tell xi4n how to log stuff.
      # In this instance we have 2 logging options setup.
        # The first is to only output errors to the console.
        - level: error
          type: console
        # The second is that we log informational errors to a file called
        # info.log
        - level: info
          type: file
          filename: info.log

How do you know what options to set? See the relevant page for the type of connection, in the list in the previous section.