Installing Node.js ================= You'll need `Node.js`_ in order to run xi4n. It should work on any future version, however there is no guarantee. It has been tested on 0.6.x-0.10.x. .. _Node.js: * **Windows** download and run the installer from `Node.js`_. * **Mac OS X** You can either download a package from `Node.js`_. If you prefer Homebrew install via ``brew install node``. If you prefer MacPorts install via ``port install nodejs``. * **Debian, Linux Mint Debian Edition**, Node.js is packaged in Debian Sid/Unstable. You can either use `Apt Pinning`_ or manually download the deb packages (`node` and `npm` to install it. If you're already running Sid/Unstable Run ``apt-get install nodejs npm`` with root privileges to install it. .. ATTENTION:: Debian has a naming conflict with Amateur Packet Radio Node Program. Accordingly the normal ``node`` command is infact ``nodejs``. * **Ubuntu, Mint, elementary OS**, depending on the version Node.js is likely to already be available in the main repository, although most likely an old version. Run ``sudo apt-get install nodejs`` to install it. To install a more modern version there is a useful third party repository which you can use. ``sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties python g++ make sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nodejs`` .. ATTENTION:: Ubuntu and it's derivates have a naming conflict with Amateur Packet Radio Node Program. Accordingly the normal ``node`` command is infact ``nodejs``. * **openSUSE, SLE** have packaged Node.js already. Run ``sudo zypper in nodejs nodejs-devel`` * **Fedora** ``sudo yum install npm`` * **RHEL/CentOS/Scientific Linux 6**, Node.js and npm are available from the Fedora Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) repository. If you haven't already done so, first enable EPEL. Then run ``sudo yum install npm`` * **Arch Linux**, Node.js is available in the Community Repository. ``pacman -S nodejs`` * **Gentoo**, Node.js is available via portage. ``emerge nodejs`` * **FreeBSD, OpenBSD**, Node.js is available via ports. * **Building from source**, depends on your platform. Please consult the Node.js documentation. I'll assume you know what you're doing. .. _Apt Pinning: